
Friday, 8 June 2012

Here I am again.

Hi to everyone.  Its been such a long time since I've seen anyone, or even talked to anyone.  It's difficult with not having a phone.  But I'm staying strong, I refuse to pay for a landline when we already pay for a cell phone. We voted and decided to put that money towards getting the internet hooked up again so now I can at least communicate with everyone through this avenue.
I have so many pictures to show you of everything that's going on around here.  I'll start off with just a few though, I don't want to overwhelm anyone.
I'm going to continue posting from now on.  I don't know how often, I guess it depends on how dedicated I can be with it. I always did have such a problem with seeing things through. I tend to get interested by something else and wonder off in another direction.
These pictures were taken about two weeks ago, we were all outside doing yardwork and it was such a beautiful day.  My two apple trees were pruned last year so did didn't blossom at all but this year it was a different story!

Then I noticed Conner and I had to take a picture of him too :)

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